
Elite Dangerous: 4th Quadrant Expedition Week 14

"Elite Dangerous"

I took the time to scan some known luteolum anemone on another very hot world. The 824K surface temperature made stepping out of the SRV dangerous, but not impossible. I worked quickly to find and scan them before hustling back into my SRV to save myself from dying in the …

Elite Dangerous: 4th Quadrant Expedition Week 13

"Elite Dangerous"

I couldn’t remember the last time I had seen a recepta biological, so I made sure to take some pictures of this recepta conditivus green variation. One downside to Elite having no animal life or liquid water or other oceans on landable planets is that we don't get to …

Elite Dangerous: 4th Quadrant Expedition Week 12

"Elite Dangerous"

Discovering even the lowly bacteria is lucrative in the deep black if others haven't found it before. I tend to try and spot them a low flying starship but if there are multiple types of biological I will venture out with the SRV and try and catalog everything within 2 …